The Organization of the Future Is Fractal
In this article, Boston Consulting Group consultors argument that the new success companies, as Unilever’s Jope acknowledged, will be those companies with teams on the ground
In this article, Boston Consulting Group consultors argument that the new success companies, as Unilever’s Jope acknowledged, will be those companies with teams on the ground
In this article Boston Consulting Group consultors present the powerful forces that are reshaping theglobal business environment. And in this context to stay competitive, companies
To read the original in English, click here. Neste artigo, consultores do Boston Consulting Group argumentam que as novas empresas de sucesso, como reconheceu Jope, da
To read the original in English, click here Neste artigo, consultores do Boston Consulting Group apresentam as forças poderosas que estão remodelando o ambiente global de
Neste artigo, o Prof. Júlio Torres apresenta a influência das Visões de Mundo que estão competindo no contexto da atual Mudança de Época, mostrando quais
To read the original in English, click here. O termo “Autopoiese” foi introduzido por Humberto Maturana e Francisco Varela [1] por volta de 1972, combinando as
Para ler em Português clique aqui. The term “autopoiesis” was introduced by Maturana and Varela [1] around 1972 by combining the Greek words auto (self-) and
Para ler em Português clique aqui. The research into self-organizing complexity of human dynamics illuminates a new framework for ecological studies: the framework of Wholesome Ecology.
To read the original in English, click here. A pesquisa sobre a complexidade auto-organizadora das dinâmicas humanas ilumina um novo cenário para estudos ecológicos: o cenário
Para ler em Português clique aqui. Many different types of leadership have been introduced and discussed in numberless books, articles, video tapes, CD-ROMs, web sites, courses,
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